Thursday 14 April 2011

Let you go....

sht ke korang suma???hmmAq nie x bpe nk sihat ati sakit sngt rasa nak demam pon ada..
marah,geram suma tu la nasib ada pintu dinding tuk lepas kemarahan aq nieh..huhu
ape lg lagi aq tumbuk la..terajang nie jenis kuat mmberontak la jgk..perangai mcm lelaki pon ade jgkk..huhu tp nie bukan la mcm jantan sngt pon...haha^_^

Memory..Memory...Kadang..kadang buat aq menangis...Aq ade benda nk shar..topic aq kali nie adalah... adalah kenangan bersama orang tersayang...alaa yg bende lepas2 tu..hahaesekali sekala ingt pe salahnye kan..kan.. x dosa pon.....
nie..nie tgk ayat2 kat bawah ni,,huhu

Within the whitely faded picture,
Atop the bookshelf of memory,
We were just faintly exchanging helloes
Comeback, but to the end I still couldn’t say it
And as the time flies by
The memory fades away
Many seasons passed
And as we meet face to face
I still couldn’t say it
The coldhearted man is crying
At our parting, even she’s crying
All that’s left are cuts
From the faded memory-window fragments
The pure blue sky
The rigid lips cry
As I shout how much I miss you
The string of fate tangled at lingering feelings
Remains tangled
Then it buries itself once again
The suffering heart couldn’t hold back any longer
And it’s chasing after your distant figure
The coldhearted man is crying
At our parting, even she’s crying
All that’s left are cuts
From the faded memory-window fragments
Oh Stay~
The coldhearted man is crying
At our parting, even she’s crying
The time within tears cut apart
From the faded memory-window fragments
I’ll tie them together once again
To tie, to tie
You wouldn’t know, the tears of broken boy
The tired sighs circling around you, so you can’t stand it
I will send our tangled memories
                       That has been tightening around the throat venomously, to the saddened..

Nie video tu korang...maybe sedeh kot..kadang2 kene la layan perasaan jgk..baru normal..haha



  1. wah.. perkara lepas jgn dikenang... ngeeee..

  2. hehhehe..terkenang nk wat mcm na..mmg x ley nk elak..hehe
